
 Additional IP addresses

  Additional IP addresses can be ordered for the following products only: Enterprise Web...

 Copy and synchronize backup data with RSYNC and public key authentication

Rsync is a fast and versatile command line utility that synchronizes files and folders between...

 Creating Strong Passwords

Passwords provide the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your computer. The...

 How to connect to your KVM for out-of-band management

For access to out-of-band management  for your dedicated servers, an OpenVPN connection is...

 How to install a new OS on your Dedicated Server

  This article will explain how to install an Operating System on your Dedicated Server....

 How to reboot your dedicated server

  This article will explain how to restart your Dedicated Server.   Note: When possible, its...

 IP Configuration

This guide explains how to setup an additional IPv4 address on your Woktron Dedicated Server or...

 What is a dedicated server?

Unlike normal hosting plans, which put many customers' accounts on a single server, a dedicated...