.cn domains

Tap into the fastest growing economy in the world!

Why register a .CN?

One of the hottest and fastest growing ccTLDs in the world is the .CN domain. As of January 2008, .CN has over 9 million registrations and ranks as the 4th largest TLD. According to figures reported by CNNIC in June, 2007, China now has 162 million Internet users or 12.3% of the country's total population, up from 137 million users in 2006.

Global Internet Population - January 2007

1 USA 153.4
2 China 86.8
3 Japan 53.7
4 Germany 32.2
5 UK 30.1

Internet use continues to develop rapidly in China. China now represents the second-largest Internet population in the world, with 86.8 million users; a 20% increase from January 2006 to January 2007, according to comScore Networks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a second level domain name?
Second level domain names consist of two parts (like in .com or .info names). For example, in the second level domain name example.cn, "CN" would be the top level part (TLD), and "EXAMPLE" would be the second level part (SLD) which is the part you register. Both parts representing the domain name.

What is a third level domain name?
Third level domain names consist of three parts (like in .co.uk names). For example, in the third level domain name example.com.cn, "CN" would be the top level part, "COM" would be the second level part, "EXAMPLE" would be the third level part which is the part you register. We offer names in .com.cn, .net.cn, .org.cn.

How many years can I register .CN names?
The minimum registration period is 1 year, and the maximum 10 years.

Are there any residency requirements for .CN?
No. CN domain names are now available for registration worldwide.

You say there are "no policy restrictions" on third-level .CN names. What does that mean, exactly?
After launch, any business or organization, worldwide, can register a .CN name under a new liberalized policy that no longer restricts .CN registrations to Chinese entities.

Who can market .CN names to registrants located in China?
Registrars and resellers of .CN domain names are able to offer .CN domain names to registrants worldwide.

What are the rules for .CN transfers?
Domain names registered through China-based registrars cannot be transferred into non-China based registrars, and vice versa. Domain names cannot be transferred within the first 60 days of initial registration. Also, domain names scheduled to expire in fewer than 14 days will not be allowed to transfer. These rules are based on the fact that .CN does not have auto-renewal for expired names.

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