
E-Mail Clients 8

How to configure e-mail clients, such as Outlook, Thunderbird or Apple Mail

Troubleshooting & SPAM 5

Troubleshoot e-mail and problems with unsollicited mail (SPAM)


 Creating Strong Passwords

Passwords provide the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your computer. The...

 E-Mail Filters create and delete

Filters Filters allow you to block certain types incoming mail. Filters are universal; that is,...

 E-Mail Forwarders Setup and Configuration

Forwarders Forwarders allow you to direct incoming mail to a different address. For example,...

 E-Mail Mailing Lists

Mailing Lists To create a mailing list, first access the "E-Mail Menu" from the control panel....

 E-Mail Setup in DirectAdmin

This article covers: How to create e-mail accounts How to set a catch-all address vacation...

 How Do I Create an autoresponder?

  Autoresponders are e-mail robots that reply to all incoming messages with a standard outgoing...

 The Differences between POP, IMAP and Exchange

POP3, Post Office Protocol POP, or Post Office Protocol, is a way of retrieving email...

 What is the path to sendmail?

When you need the path to sendmail for your scripts, use the following: /usr/sbin/sendmail